Friday, July 07, 2006

Weight Watchers Program Update

I have reached my target weight. This is not to be confused with my goal weight. I lost a total of 20 pounds in seven weeks. The target weight is 10 percent of the signup weight. I weighed 209 so they told me to lose about 20 pounds to reach my target weight. Now I'm focused on reaching my goal weight which is 179 pounds. This weight puts me within what is considered the normal range for a person over 45 years old. I intend to try to stay around 175 so I have a little wiggle room should I put on a couple of pounds. Once you reach your goal weight you have to keep it for six weeks. If you do, you become a lifetime member. Meetings are free as long as you maintain your goal weight.

I was given a nice looking key chain for reaching my target weight. The other participants (all women) gave me some encouraging applause which felt good. I had worked pretty hard to get there so their appreciation was gratifying. From a male perspective it does seem a little silly on one level, but I do get support and inspiration from attending the brief 1/2 hour meetings. The group dynamic is quite powerful and has been proven in many areas - group therapy, Sunday school classes, AA meetings, etc. I would encourage anyone (no, I'm not an employee of WW)to give it a try if you are serious about losing some weight. It does work if you follow the program.

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